Keny Arkana
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Keny Arkana

100% Keny Arkana 100% hip hop
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 Questions about Keny

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4 participants

Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 03/09/2006

Questions about Keny Empty
MessageSujet: Questions about Keny   Questions about Keny EmptyDim 3 Sep - 12:09

I just heard about Keny, and i am loving her music.

Don't know much about her though.

Is she from Algeria like Kayna Samet, or does she have Spanish roots?

I would appreciate if someone could help me out.


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Nombre de messages : 201
Age : 38
Localisation : nimes , marseille
Date d'inscription : 13/06/2006

Questions about Keny Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Questions about Keny   Questions about Keny EmptyDim 3 Sep - 12:53

I don't know if it has Spanish root , sorry !

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Nombre de messages : 71
Age : 38
Localisation : 78
Date d'inscription : 10/06/2006

Questions about Keny Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Questions about Keny   Questions about Keny EmptyDim 3 Sep - 15:46

She isn't from Algeria, and she has spanish roots because she comes from Argentina !! Wink
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escroc atcHé

Nombre de messages : 172
Age : 36
Localisation : 78
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2006

Questions about Keny Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Questions about Keny   Questions about Keny EmptyLun 4 Sep - 15:15

ptdr sa deviens cerieu ici Wink

va ns falloir un traducteur officiel francais/anglais

pr ma part pas de pb jpeu fair francias/espagnol Wink
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Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 03/09/2006

Questions about Keny Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Questions about Keny   Questions about Keny EmptyLun 4 Sep - 20:02

Admin a écrit:
She isn't from Algeria, and she has spanish roots because she comes from Argentina !! Wink

Cool, thanks.
Was she born in Marseille? Are both of her parents from Argentina or she she mixed?
Sorry i am kinda nosy, but i need to know almost everything about Keny. Very Happy

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Nombre de messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 03/09/2006

Questions about Keny Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Questions about Keny   Questions about Keny EmptyLun 4 Sep - 20:59

Admin a écrit:
She isn't from Algeria, and she has spanish roots because she comes from Argentina !! Wink

Cool, thanks.
Was she born in Marseille? Are both of her parents from Argentina or she she mixed?
Sorry i am kinda nosy, but i need to know almost everything about Keny. Very Happy

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Questions about Keny Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Questions about Keny   Questions about Keny Empty

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Questions about Keny
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